MONDAY September, 21st |
from 12:00 |
Registration |
from 14:00 |
Coffee |
16:00 |
Welcome and Introduction - Jörg Nickelsen
Endosymbiosis and EvolutionChair: Jörg Nickelsen |
16:15 | Eva Nowack |
Paulinella chromatophora - Exploring molecular mechanisms involved in establishing a photosynthetic organelle
16:45 |
Sergio Muñoz-Gómez |
The evolutionary history of MICOS reveals the pre-endosymbiotic origin of mitochondrial cristae
17:00 | Christopher Grosche |
CIA is everywhere - or not?
17:15 | Jan de Vries |
Streptophyte terrestrialisation in the light of plastid evolution
17:30 | Martin Lohr |
Carotenoid biosynthesis in Cryptophyte algae: The best of both worlds?
17:45 |
18:45 |
ISE-G Business Meeting (New People Welcome!)
Parasites and Organismal InteractionsChair: Johanna Sobanski |
19:45 | Kirsten Krause |
From the plastome to the genome: Evolutionary aspects regarding parasitic Cuscuta species
20:15 | Daniel Moog |
A reduced glycosome in the kinetoplastid endosymbiont of parasitic Paramoeba species?
20:30 |
Come Together
TUESDAY September, 22nd |
Protein Targeting and Import IChair: Danja Schünemann |
9:00 | Stefan Rensing |
The pitfalls of plant protein targeting prediction and of transient protein expression in heterologous systems
9:30 | Sriram Garg |
Uncovering the ancestral state of mitochondrial targeting
9:45 | Uwe Langer |
Dual targeting of nuclear encoded proteins into endosymbiotic organelles
10:00 |
Group Picture
10:15 |
Protein Targeting and Import II - Technology DevelopmentChair: Danja Schünemann |
11:00 | Jürgen Soll |
Evolution of protein and metabolite transport systems in plastids
11:30 | Ansgar Gruber |
Intracellular reallocation of metabolic pathways in diatoms
11:45 | Oliver Dautermann |
Functional expression of putative zeaxanthin epoxidase genes from the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum in tobacco
12:00 | Rouhollah Barahimipour |
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii expression strains as new tools in functional genomics
12:15 |
Iman Tabatabaei |
Development of new selection systems for chloroplast transformation
12:30 |
Organelle mRNA Metabolism IChair: Axel Brennicke |
Mizuki Takenaka |
RNA editosomes in plant organelles - E-class PPR proteins and associated factors
Vanessa Loiacono |
Going against the flow: Extension of chloroplast RNA editing to novel target sites
Bastian Oldenkott |
Massive intron RNA editing and an unparalleled diversity in the organelle genomes of the lycophyte genus Selaginella
Poster Session I (with Coffee 14:30 - 16:00) |
16:00 |
Transfer to the Botanical Garden of Berlin
Guided Tour through the Botanical Garden of Berlin (sponsored by Conviron) |
Conference Dinner at Clärchen's Ballhaus(main sponsor Agena, co-sponsors Conviron, Agrisera, and Dell) |
For those who do not join, Dinner at the Harnack-Haus will be served from 18:00 |
WEDNESDAY September, 23rd |
Organelle mRNA Metabolism IIChair: Axel Brennicke |
9:00 | Stefan Binder |
Processing of 5‘-transcript termini in plant mitochondria
9:30 |
Oren Ostersetzer-Biran |
From gene expression to respiratory complex assembly: The roles of maturases in mitochondria biogenesis in plants
09:45 | Nikolay Manavski |
A newly defined repeated RNA-binding motif of HCF145 is conserved in photosynthetic organisms and stabilizes the psaA 5’-UTR in Embryophyta
10:00 | Gongwei Wang |
A comprehensive detection of short RNAs in chloroplasts and mitochondria of Arabidopsis thaliana
10:15 | Sandra Tanz |
Chloroplast gene expression in C4 Cleome
10:30 |
Regulation of PhotosynthesisChair: Ralph Bock |
11:00 | Thomas Pfannschmidt |
Separating light-dependent and plastid-derived regulation of photosynthesis genes using the Arabidopsis pap7 mutant as model for arrested plastid development
11:30 | Michael Schroda |
About a new PSII core-associated protein with a potential role in PSII repair
12:00 | Alexandra-Viola Bohne |
Characterization of the One Helix Protein OHP2 and its role in photosystem II assembly in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
12:15 | Mark Aurel Schöttler |
Inducible RNAi repression of the nuclear-encoded subunits of photosystem I in tobacco reveals a high stability and long lifetime of the complex
12:30 |
Organelle Translation, Protein Stability, and SignalingChair: Christian Schmitz-Linneweber |
13:30 | Alice Barkan |
Genome-wide analyses of translational dynamics in chloroplasts
14:00 | Juan Camilo Moreno Beltran |
Study of the Clp protease complex: A new strategy to identify protease substrates
14:15 | Bernhard Grimm |
Multiple strategies to adjust ALA synthesis with the demand for chlorophyll
14:30 | Karin Krupinska |
WHIRLY1 - a DNA/RNA-binding protein located in plastids and the nucleus plays a role in stress resistance of plants
Poster Session II (with Coffee 15:00 - 16:30) |
16:30 |
Guided Tour through the Max Planck Archives and the Historical Campus(sponsored by Agrisera)
18:00 |
20:00 |
Party at the Harnack-Haus
THURSDAY September, 24th |
Organelle Genome Dynamics and InheritanceChair: Rudolf Hagemann |
9:00 | Thomas Börner |
Endogenous factors determining the number of mitochondrial gene copies per cell
9:30 | Jana Dotzek |
Structural evolution and dynamics of the Oenothera mitochondrial genome
9:45 | Svenja Oetke |
Compaction of chloroplast nucleoids is promoted by the DNA/RNA-binding protein WHIRLY1 and is impaired in chloroplasts developing in continuous high light
10:00 | Etienne Meyer |
CMS-G of Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima contains an unusual cytochrome c oxidase
10:15 |
10:45 |
Eppendorf and Peter Sitte Awards & Closing remarks(supported by Eppendorf)
from 12:00 |
from 13:00 |